Written by Merry Fidler, Creative Director
The open-concept office craze works great for sardines; they don’t make many phone calls and aren’t excellent at opening and closing doors. Double Jump had been exclusively operating out of open-concept offices until the past year, but we (unfortunately) are not sardines. We don’t mean to completely dismiss the benefits of these spaces, but by 2020, we were bursting at the seams of our 900 square foot cubby.

We all dreamed of finding a new HQ that at least had a private call room, a window, and if we couldn’t all have offices, maybe enough room to spread our desks a little further apart than before. But the one must-have for the new office was a bigger space for our studio. In our then studio, we could shoot small products and one small person at a time IF we moved everyone’s desks and made an almighty mess. However, we found that large studio space was not something most office spaces could accommodate easily, leaving us on what felt like a wild goose chase.
But one fateful day, the property angels of Springfield shone upon us, and we happened upon an office that was everything we could hope for times ten. It had windows, private offices for everyone and several to spare, a conference room, and a giant shared space for studio shoots and other mischiefs. It was quadruple the square footage of the office we were in at the time.

Usually, the act of moving feels like the worst thing the gods have cursed humanity with, but we couldn’t wait. We all painted our new offices whatever color our hearts desired and learned that only Ben knew the proper way to paint century-old brick (have a professional paint crew do it for you). Then, we each took turns hurling insults at each other just so we could know what it feels like to slam a door in the face of a coworker. The move also coincided with our rebrand, which inspired us to let loose on the main space design.

But the most beautiful thing about our new space is by far what it allows us to create. Having a larger studio outside our offices is like having our own mad scientist’s lab to hone our craft further. The scale of the studio gives our videos a greater range than before. And the fact that what happens in the studio doesn’t impede on coworkers’ workspaces means we can spend more time on set design. Check out our studio highlight reel of what we’ve been able to create in the short time we’ve been here!
We couldn’t be happier with the new DJM lair and are excited to start some studio shoots for your company or product. If you’re ready for our crew to heelie out of their offices and into the studio for you, contact us here!